Monique Bücker
Dear Terra Canis team,
My name is Othello, I‘m from near Zülpich, I’m a dachshund and I’ll turn 2 soon. My mummy and I have tested many food varieties but we both were of the opinion that we haven’t found the right food yet. My owner came across Terra Canis by chance and bought it. When eating the first tin, I already realized that this is different. A different colour, a different smell and a different taste. Even my owner had to convince herself if it really tastes good. And well, just like me, she was impressed.
That’s why she only feeds me delicious things from Terra Canis. Delicious wet food menus, dry food, garden drops, air-dried sausage and my latest discovery Canipé crispy balls with turkey, fruits and cottage cheese. Yummy…well, dear other dog owners, you only want the best for your favourites, that’s why I tell you: “Do without the one or other unnecessary dog accessory and spend more money on top-quality dog food.” I think your favourites will be as happy as I am. And to all those who think that human-grade dog food is exaggerated, I can only say – we dogs also want to live for a long time and lead a healthy and happy life. That’s why you should give the living beings with which you have the happiest, funniest and most beautiful moments a treat!!!Best regards “woof” Othello, a faithful Terra Canis fan