

My name is Kalle. I’m a 7-month-old Shih Tzu. By now, I’ve been fed grain-free dry food.

However, I’ve always showed my owner clearly that I’m not fond of it. Then the day came that changed everything: In dog obedience school, we met Oliver Pieper (who works for Terra Canis and who has a dog which is only insignificantly bigger than me). My owner told Oliver about my grain intolerance and that I didn’t like my food (…what every other dog certainly understands, right?). Oliver gave us a small tin to taste. As from this evening, everything took a turn for the better: I was astonished when there was suddenly sweet-smelling food in my bowl and no longer this dry, hard stuff. I couldn’t risk that someone else noshes it and thus, I noshed all of it right away. My owner was so happy that she only feeds me Terra Canis wet food now. My conclusion as a Shih Tzu: Everything’s hunky-dory. One has to bring up its owner first.