Anne & Kaito

Dear Terra Canis team,

We are proud masters of a Shiba Inu, which didn’t eat a lot even as a puppy.

We tried all kinds of food and we were never satisfied with the result. He never ate all the food. But then we received food samples of Terra Canis and our Kaito was very excited.

We only have to open the can and he stands next to us, smacking and waiting for us to fill his bowl. For half a year, we’ve been using your Gold Rush Oil and Kaito’s coat has become wonderfully soft (like when he was a puppy – marvelous) and he never wants to eat his food without “sauce”. Thanks to this oil, ticks are no longer a problem, either.

Concerning treats, there’s nothing he doesn’t like. He prefers the Strolchis with chicken and strawberry, and we always have to share them in the dog obedience school, too.

A special thanks to you, too, for always delivering so fast.

Kind regards and keep it up

Anne and Kaito